This article will expect at the Presence Briefing 2012 speaker line-up at the Presence Conference website (Phil Pringle, Steven Furtick, Kong Hee, John Bevere). Consider this commodity every bit a platter of resource, that can let people to look at the speakers themselves.

We regret writing so harshly on the speakers. However, the purpose of this commodity is to warn Christians in love about these men and the dangers of the Presence Briefing 2012. Unfortunately, every invited speaker has revealed they are both heretical and quack to say the least.


Pringle says on his Presence Conference website,

"Exist Cleansed By THE HOLY SPIRIT AND LET A Ability COME UPON You lot THAT Volition CHANGE THIS Earth"

You will never forget a Presence Briefing with Phil Pringle. His sessions on miracles, anointing, vision and freedom are life changing. Phil is the author of 10 books, a speaker, television host, successful artist and President of C3 Global, an international network of almost 400 churches. He is the Senior Minister of 1 of Australia's fastest growing churches, C3 Church and he has spent over 30 years pastoring and equiping hundreds of ministers to found churches around the world. Phil has seen powerful moves of God and the celebrity of God filling the atmosphere.

Nosotros take made it clear in the past that Phil Pringle is a prosperity preacher and connected to the heretic Kenneth Copeland.

Phil Pringle Is A Prosperity Teacher

Phil Pringle And Kenneth Copeland

Just similar famous heretics Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Hagin, Jess Duplantis, Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland (ministers Pringle likes to be associated with), Pringle also teaches that Jesus went to hell and suggests that Jesus lost his divinity on the cantankerous.

Jesus & The Easter Story According to Pringle

Pringle besides manipulates church building statistics and words  to convince people he is a legitimate Christian minister and to convince Christians to give him coin. He'due south also convinced people he has churches that aren't even part of C3 nevertheless and worse – don't even exist.

"Permit Me Just Talk To You Out Of A Scripture" – Pringle'south Use of John iii:sixteen

He's made claims that he oversees 1,200 C3 churches or effectually 500 C3 churches. His website withal says he runs 258 churches or oversees around 300. The above blurb says he at present has 400 churches. Is Phil Pringle lying to convince anyone to come up to his Presence 2012 Conference? You lot make up one's mind.

Is Phil Pringle A Mendacious Schemer?

Nosotros have once more and again put forth evidence to clearly evidence his incompetence in rightly handling the holy scriptures.

Nib Palmers Review On Phil Pringle'south Volume, Keys To Financial Excellence

Pringle Believes It's Gods Will That Jesus Died To Make Believers Rich

Pringle'due south 'Financial Excellence' Bible Study Notes, Exposed

Pringle'south 'Become Ready For God' Bible Report Notes, Exposed

Pringle Twisting Scripture Once again To Get Coin

Phil Pringle vs God

Phil Pringle Financially Fooling & Fleecing People (Part 1)

Phil Pringle Financially Fooling & Fleecing People (Role two)

Chris Rosebrough Critiquing Phil Pringle At C3 San Diego (12/02/2012)

"Phil Pringle Is A Twit" Says Pastor Charmley

We accept also demonstrated how his teachings and philosophies are like to New Historic period / New Idea and occult teachings.

The 'Secret' to Phil Pringle's Doctrine of 'Religion'

We've revealed his scheming abilities to exploit people financially and use the church and the word of God to elevate himself…

Is Phil Pringle Your 'Elijah'?

Does Phil Pringle & The C3 Movement Exploit Its Poor Members Financially?

… and we have revealed scandalous-like behaviour inside his move…

C3 Oxford Falls Papania Scandal? (Part 1)

C3 Balmain Scandal? (Office i)

C3 Canberra Scandal? (Part 1)

C3 Whitehorse Scandal? (Part1)

… and have observed Pringle using the church as a business organization tool to sell his paintings and merchandise (more than will be written most this). He also reveals his motivation to get other Christians and their churches to bring together his movement.

Is Phil Pringle Baiting Christianity With His Presence Briefing For His Gain?

Finally, we have faithfully demonstrated his ability to twist words and scriptures to convince Christians to BUY their miracles from God at His miracle offerings.

Phil Pringle's Fleece-A-Thon At Presence Conference 2011

You can run into that Pringle has schemed people in the by to pay for HIS Presence Briefing costs via entry fee and 'free-volition' miracle offer.

Phil Pringle'southward Fleece-A-Thon At Presence Conference 2009

Phil Pringle'due south Fleece-A-Thon At Presence Conference 2010

And we know that he uses services in a way to get people to give out of their emotions, not their reason.

C3 Leader: Movement Away From The "Emotional Moment Of A Service" To Requite Money

In his own words, Christians must "distrust those who flatter us" equally he continually markets and flatters vulnerable Christians be involved in his Presence Conference 2012.

The Presence of Folly?

One has to wonder not only what he will preach on this yr merely what type of speakers he has invited to his conference this year.


The C3 Website has a photo of Steven Furtick with a quote adjacent to his face. How can Furtick supposedly state "There is a lost, hurting, cleaved dying, drastic, sorry world without Christ", when he himself abuses Christians, sensors the gospel and elevates himself to some blazon of messianic figure?

If Steve Furtick is indeed saying this, he needs to explain his track tape of bad behaviour and bloodcurdling teaching. Why does he openly condemn Christians who desire to know Jesus? Why did he sensor the gospel at his 2012 Code Orange Revival?

Phil Pringle Endorsing Problematic Steve Furtick for Presence Conference 2012

If Christ is so important, then why does he say the church building is the answer and not Christ? If the church building is the answer, and then why does he say that his church building is not for people who want to know Jesus? Why was he hostile against the gospel at his revival by sensoring it? If Christ is important at all, why did Furtick cheer Perry Noble on for promoting him equally Messiah?

Noble Preaches Furtick Is Messiah While Pringle Prepares Presence For Furtick

It's agonizing that Phil Pringle is Notwithstanding endorsing Steve Furtick to give him the platform to thousands of Australian Christians. Long-term critic of Steve Furtick, Chris Rosebrough has labeled Steve Furtick and Elevation Church a cult.

Chris Rosebrough Labels Steve Furtick's Church A Cult

Rosebrough too received a personal letter from a member of Steve Furtick'southward Peak Church. They seem to agree with Rosebrough's assessmnet of Furtick'due south church building.

Follower of Furtick Says They Were "Consistently Ingesting Spiritual Poisonous substance"

Afterward examining the articles that C3ChurchWtach have written, it becomes quite apparent that Furtick is non telling the truth. If y'all examine the testify that Rosebrough puts before you, it's like shooting fish in a barrel to come to the same determination – Steve Furtick is not a true government minister. In fact, it is safety to say that Steven Furtick is creating a


It should exist fabricated known that Kong Hee has been exposed in his state as an alleged plagiarist. This was the blog that exposed Kong Hee,

Crook Grace

Here are some articles that examine the problems in regard to the supposed plagiarised works.

IS THIS Actually TRUE!

Did Kong Hee plagiarise?

Plagiarism: Pastor Kong Hee's Publisher Explains Information technology'southward "Oversight"


As 'Transitioning' points out, Kong Hee's publisher has many loopholes in their explanation and says Kong Hee'due south "alleged plagiarism issue is no big deal now compared to the CAD probe into CHC's financial affairs". This latter consequence still seems to be ongoing, Phil Pringle helping in KH's effort to back up his ministry.

In spite of all this, the people Kong Hee endorses are problems themselves (Steve Munsey, John Avanzini, Yonngi Cho, etc).

His use of scripture in his sermons are manipulative and misleading at best, sprinkled with heresy, pagan philosophies and vain imaginings. Kong Hee has proven to exist a faithful disciple under Pringle'south prophetic direction and is simply every bit ruthless exploiting those in his church building that are unemployed similar Pringle.

With this background noesis, why is Phil Pringle inviting the cult-like leader Kong Hee to speak at this years Presence Conference? He is not faithful to scripture, faithful to the church, faithful to the poor or true-blue to the community. Hee is continually misrepresenting Jesus for worldly reasons.

This brings up an important issue regarding Hee's wife. Kong Hee loves his married woman Sun Hee (and swain pastor at his church).

He has stated to his church that "Lord's day is my wisdom".

After much deliberation on what to write nigh Lord's day Hee we've finally concluded that you tin make up one's mind for yourself by watching her music video 'China Vino'. (She is the female singer of this video clip (00:20).)

(Edit 18/04/2012: Kong Hee justified his wife'southward function and played downwardly the intelligence of pastors who criticised them both:

"I think the struggle many pastors have is the difficulty to separate her association with me (as a pastor' wife) and her career every bit a vocaliser. I agree that if she is a "pastor" or "preacher," maybe the video would accept been inappropriate. Merely Sun is not a pastor…

Some [Pastors] said she was promoting costless sex and immorality. Only any intelligent, objective viewer would know that the whole drama is not almost sex; if anything, it portrays the reality of a fallen secular globe…"


Afterward examining Kong Hee, his wife and his controversial ministry, one must ask: What kind of message will Kong Hee bring to Presence Conference?


C3 seems to propose that Bevere said, "We need men and women who will speak the word of his grace. The word of his power and bring change." They also mention his books,

"(The Bait of Satan, Drawing Well-nigh, Driven past Eternity, The Fear of the Lord and others)"

It'due south odd they didn't mention this 'grace' preachers book, "Honour's Reward: How To Attract God'southward Favor And Blessing" (2007). The book championship says information technology all; how can you attract (earn) the favor (grace) of God on your life? It'southward odd he says we need men and women who "speak the word of his grace" only promotes the exact opposite in his mentioned book.

We've discussed Bevere's doctrine of tithing and his conventionalities that if you submit to leaders like himself, God volition make you lot rich and receive double portions of God'south Spirit. Read it here:

What'due south So Astringent Nearly Bevere?

While it is proficient to biblically submit to Godly authorities, Bevere confuses it and delivers a burden-binding 'gospel' message. While his volume seems to promote a lot of truth, at that place are concerns that should exist bought to light on his false gospel of salvation-by-submission.

To preach the bulletin of the gospel is the primal mission of the church building for all people to hear and know about Christ crucified. If anything contrary is added to the gospel or any truth taken away from it, then one must question the legitimate authority of that teacher, prophet or shepherd.

Only we tin safely say the subconscious gnostic principle on 'laurels', (John Bevere says he has discovered), has made him deviate from the central gospel of salvation.

"I didn't understand the honor principle. I was in the process of learning. At present I want everyone to know!"– John Bevere, Laurels'due south Reward: How To Concenter God'southward Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 37.

To make matters worse, Bevere reveals he is a word of faith instructor by stating On page 102,

"Simply put, the promises of God are not automatic; they must be caused past faith." – John Bevere, Laurels'due south Reward: How To Concenter God's Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 102.

What else are we meant to proceeds if Christ has already "blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing" (Eph 1:iii)? What else are nosotros to acquire if we are told to "count all things to exist loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus" (Phil 3:8). What are we to gain that we haven't gained already?

We volition come across Bevere is promoting himself, his say-so and his gospel of works-by-faith. Paul, in imitating Christ'due south authoritative nature (Philippians ii:5-eleven), uses his Godly apostolic potency in this fashion towards the Thessalonians (emphasis mine).

"… Nor did nosotros seek celebrity from men, either from yous or from others, even though as apostles of Christ we might take asserted our dominance" Thes ii:6

And as Jesus said (our highest authority),

"Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing: information technology is my Begetter that honoureth me." John 8:54

A quick reading of John Bevere'southward volume gives a strong impression that Bevere is lacking in humility and loves to be recognised by the world (pg. 34-35, 36, 45). He's assuming enough to merits,

"I learned that day it had nada to practice with me but how I am received as one sent by God. The prisoners valued, honored, esteemed me. The church members said with their trunk language, "We've heard it all. We've heard it all. We've heard many guest ministers; what exercise yous have to say that's any dissimilar?" The vast difference of results stemmed from one word-honour."– John Bevere, Award'due south Advantage: How To Attract God'southward Favor And Approving, 2007, pg. 38.

And then Bevere likes to be honored. Like this?

"Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and beloved respectful greetings in the market places, and primary seats in the synagogues and places of honour at banquets," Luke 20:46

His message through out the book is that God CANNOT bless or favour you unless you earn information technology through submitting to leaders similar himself. Convinced near his organized religion-by-works message, Bevere shows hostility to Christians who exercise not submit to church building leaders. He attacks biblical reason by convincing Christians that they,"are a people trying to understand Kingdom principles with a democratic mindset." (Pg. 44.) In maxim that the autonomous mindset is the problem, he leads united states to believe that the honor principle, (which he believes is the primal kingdom principle), is the solution to earning God'due south grace and blessing. (That'south what this whole book is about.)

"The kingdom of God is not a democracy. Then if we relate to God with a autonomous mindset nosotros will not connect with Him. We will be without the protection of His authority and can be easily misled. Could this be why Jesus said so many in our generation would exist deceived?"– John Bevere, Award's Reward: How To Attract God's Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 44.

He is saying that the kingdom of God is not characterised past equality. Furthermore, if nosotros chronicle to God with a mindset of beingness equal with one another or approach the kingdom of God with a autonomous mindset, Bevere says we cannot connect with God. What is the culling of beingness democratic that Bevere is insinuating? Dictatorship? Thou-shalt-non-question-me?

Has Bevere non read Paul say the following?

"On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we recollect are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, and so that in that location should exist no division in the body, just that its parts should have equal concern for each other."1Corinthians 12:22-25

Bevere is also insinuating that Jesus says that many volition be deceived by this faulty autonomous thinking in regards to the kingdom of God.

No John. People become deceived by following fake teachers, leaders and self-proclaiming prophets (pg. 37) like yourself with your faux gospel of works. The gospel saves the simpleton. And Christ is the protector of His disciples (John 17:12) and the guardian and true shepherd of His sheep (Psalm 23, John ten). Those who don't desire Jesus chase after false ministers similar yourself.

Discover how prejudice and hostile Bevere gets towards Christians who adopt firm churches,

"This Western listen-set is the cause for most church splits in America, and why then many people are resorting to home churches. These professing believers exercise not desire to be nether the authority established by Jesus Christ Himself."– John Bevere, Honor'due south Reward: How To Concenter God'due south Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 45.

Professing believers? Why is he implying they are non under the authority and lordship of Jesus Himself, or fifty-fifty saved? Why is he alluding to them being the ones causing sectionalisation? Is Bevere not acting as approximate concerning trivial things (Colossians ii).

Only those who do no Just those peddling a false gospel with false doctrines based on the traditions of men are causing division. Bevere claims "They lack true New Testament regime and accountability" (pg. 45). New Attestation regime? Like a dictatorship? Subsequently all, he'south not teaching about a kingdom based on 1 Corinthians 12. His attack on Christians go on,

"… y'all find many believers who have been hurt or offended and are therefore disillusioned with church structure. They've resorted to dwelling house churches in guild to live without accountability."– John Bevere, Honor's Reward: How To Attract God's Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 45.

The proof of his false educational activity is abiding throughout his book, deviating from scripture and replacing words in scripture with the word 'honor' to support the teachings in his book. (eg. replacing words like approval, fourth dimension, praise, esteem, submit with honour). This is not how you care for the teachings of God. This 'man of grace' starts attacking the gospel of grace. Bevere says,

"There are three benefits for honoring these [calumniating] leaders. First, if treated unfairly, our obedience to submit puts our case in the hands of God who will judge justly (see Pet. ii:21-23). If we take matters into our own hands, God steps back and we are on our own, a miserable place to be."– John Bevere, Honor's Reward: How To Concenter God'due south Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 58.

What does he hateful if nosotros react to bad leadership that "God steps back and we are on our own"? What do we do if nosotros are obedient to bad leadership? Why should nosotros be chosen to submit to bad leadership? Bevere explains,

"Why are nosotros chosen to do this? To position ourselves to receive a blessing (reward). So when y'all are mistreated, especially by someone in authorization, you lot can get very excited considering you are being set up for a reward."– John Bevere, Honor's Reward: How To Concenter God'due south Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 58.

Again, aren't we already blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ? If nosotros aren't seeking this blessing in submission, does that mean nosotros are not saved? Is Bevere implying we can lose our salvation since he blurs the lines, scriptures, definitions and contexts? If anyone critiques Bevere or has problems with him speaking at Presence Conference (or any leader speaking at the outcome), would he fifty-fifty consider them Christian or saved? Bevere makes this merits,

"If you lot are truly born of the Spirit of God, you volition recognize and esteem authority. In fact, prove me a person who has no regard for authority and I will bear witness you a person who is non a child of God. It doesn't matter if he's prayed the sinner's prayer and goes to church weekly. He who has no honor in his heart is not saved."– John Bevere, Laurels's Advantage: How To Attract God's Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 46.

We tin conclude that people who endure from Oppositional Defiance Disorder cannot ever exist saved according to Bevere. However we can hold with Bevere on this.

"There is simply one time-I repeat, one time-the bible tells the states not to obey an dominance; and that is when authorization tells us to sin (do something contrary to the written Word of God."– John Bevere, Honour's Reward: How To Attract God's Favor And Blessing, 2007, pg. 46.

The event now is who's authority nosotros need to submit too; Bevere'due south potency or God's authority? Is Bevere confused or is he enticing us to sin by following a gospel contrary to the one the Apostles preached? The bible teaches us that Satan is the god of this age and even he has authorization. Wouldn't that brand those who come up under his authorization false prophets? False teachers? Perverters of God's Word? Many volition claim to come with an authority and a message of authority. But who is education the true gospel of Jesus Christ? The point we're trying to make is the aforementioned point Paul makes.

"… even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! Every bit nosotros take already said, so at present I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what y'all accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" Galatians 1:8-9

To imply Bevere wants to come across "men and women who will speak the give-and-take of his grace" while promoting a different gospel that damns is clearly hypocritical equally his 'honour principle' is a dissimilar gospel (unlike message). Information technology was Paul that placed an anathema on those who preached a false gospel like the works-based gospel of the false teachers back in the Galatian province. We suggest any reader takes Bevere's advice and "not… obey [Bevere's] authority." How can his authority cannot be from God if Bevere is non honestly representing the God of the bible?

Just similar Phil Pringle, Steven Furtick and Kong Hee, John Bevere is another dishonest minister speaking into the lives of thousands of Christians at Phil Pringle'southward Presence Conference 2012.

What does Pringle hope Christians will acquire from these speakers? The charade is, Pringle thinks he is blessing local churches. What will this mean for the churches around Australia?