Whats the Best Type of Exercise Equipment for the House

 ZNO English Practise Test 12

TASK ane

Y'all are going to read an extract from a short story.
For questions 1-8, choose the reply А-D which you think fits best co-ordinate to the text.

We always went to Ireland in June. Ever since the four of us began to proceed holidays together we had spent the outset fortnight of the calendar month at Glencorn Club in Canton Antrim. It's a large house by the body of water, not far from the village of Ardbeag. The English language couple who bought the house, the Malseeds, have had to add to the buUding, merely everything has been done virtually discreetly.

Information technology was Strafe who found Glencorn for us. He'd come up across an advertisement in the days when the Malseeds still felt the need to advertise. 'How about this?' he said one evening and read out the details. Nosotros had gone away together the summer before, to a hotel that had been recommended by friends, merely it hadn't been a success considering the food was so bloodcurdling.

The iv of us accept been playing cards together for ages, Dekko, Strafe, Cynthia and myself. They call me Milly, though strictly speaking my name is Dorothy Milson. Dekko picked up his nickname at schoolhouse, Dekko Deacon sounding rather adept, I suppose. He and Strafe were at school together, which must exist why nosotros call Strafe by his surname as the teachers used to. We're all near the same age and live quite shut to the town where the Malseeds were before they decided to brand the change from England to Ireland. Quite a coincidence, we always remember.

'How very nice,' Mrs Malseed said, grin her welcome again this year. Some instinct seems to teU her when guests are nigh to arrive, for she's rarely not waiting in the large, low-ceilinged hall that ever smells of flowers. 'Arthur, take the luggage upwards,' she commanded the old porter. 'Rose, Tulip, Lily and Geranium.' She referred to the names of the rooms reserved for u.s.. Mrs Malseed herself painted flowers on the doors of the hotel instead of putting numbers. In wintertime, when no one much comes to Glencorn Lodge, she sees to lilliputian details similar that; her husband sees to redecoration and repairs.

'Well, well, well,' Mr Malseed said, now entering the hall through the door that leads to the kitchen. 'A hundred thousand welcomes,' he greeted usa in the Irish gaelic manner. He was grin broadly with his dark chocolate-brown eyes twinkling, making united states of america recollect we were rather more than than just another group of hotel guests. Everyone smiled, and I could feel the others thinking that our holiday had truly begun. Nothing had changed at Glencorn, all was well. Kitty from the dining room came out to greet us. 'You expect younger every year, all iv of yous,' she said, causing everyone in the hall to express mirth again. Arthur led the manner to the rooms, conveying as much of our luggage as he could manage and returning for the remainder.

After dinner we played cards for a while but not going on for every bit long as we might because nosotros were nonetheless quite tired afterward the journey. In the lounge at that place was a man on his own and a French couple. In that location had been other people at dinner, of course, because in June Glencorn Society is always total: from where nosotros sat in the window we could see some of them strolling near the lawns, others taking the cliff path downwards to the seashore. In the forenoon we'd do the same: we'd walk along the sands to Ardbeag and have coffee in the hotel there, back in time for lunch. In the afternoon we'd bulldoze somewhere.

I knew all that considering over the years this kind of pattern had developed. Since first we came hither, nosotros'd all fallen hopelessly in love with every variation of its remarkable landscape.

1 Why did the Malseeds no longer advertise Glencorn Lodge?

A It was also expensive.
B Information technology was not necessary.
C It was too complicated.
D It was not effective.

two What did Dekko and the author have in common?

A They did not like their names.
B People used their surnames when speaking to them.
C They chose their own nicknames.
D People did not call them by their real names.

iii The coincidence referred to in paragraph three is that the 4 friends and the Malseeds

A came from the same area.
B preferred Ireland to England.
C lived close to one another.
D were all almost the same age.

4 What was special nearly the rooms at Glencorn Lodge?

A They had been painted by Mrs Malseed herself.
B At that place was no paint on the doors.
C They did non have numbers.
D There were different flowers in all of them.

five What did the author especially like almost Mr Malseed?

A He had nice brown eyes.
B Не always came to welcome them.
C Не fabricated guests feel like friends.
D He spoke in the Irish gaelic manner.

6 Why did the author experience contented after Mr Malseed had spoken?

A Everything was every bit it had ever been.
B The holiday would start at any moment.
C A few things had improved at Glencorn.
D Her friends had enjoyed the vacation.

vii What did Kitty do which made the friends laugh?

A She told them a joke.
B She pretended to insult them.
C She laughed when she saw them.
D She paid them a compliment.

viii The adjacent 24-hour interval the friends would walk to Ardbeag considering

A they would exist able to walk on the sands.
B this was what they always did.
C they wanted to exercise the aforementioned as other people.
D it was quite a brusk walk for them.

YOUR Respond
TASK ane
# A B C D
half dozen

Task 2

You are going to read a newspaper commodity about people who make films near wild animals in Africa.
Seven sentences accept been removed from the commodity.
Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-fifteen).
At that place is 1 extra sentence which y'all do non need to utilize.

Chore 2
# A B C D E F G H

Task 3

You are going to read an commodity most three pairs of women who exchanged jobs for a twenty-four hour period.
For questions sixteen-30, cull from the women A-F.
The women may be chosen more than than once.

TASK iii
# A B C D Due east F G H

Job 4

For questions 31-42, read the text beneath and decide which answer А-D best fits each gap.


Victor Gruen, an American builder, revolutionised shopping in the 1950s past creating the type of shopping centre that nosotros now telephone call a shopping mall.

Gruen'due south (31)_____ was to provide a pleasant, repose and spacious shopping surround with big car parks, which ordinarily (32)_____ building in the suburbs. He too wanted people to exist able to shop in all kinds of atmospheric condition. He (33)_____ on using building designs that he knew people would feel (34)_____ with, but placed them in landscaped 'streets' that were entirely enclosed and often covered with a curved drinking glass roof. This was done to (35)_____ some of the older shopping arcades of city centres, but while these housed only minor speciality shops, Gruen'due south shopping malls were on a much grander (36)_____

Access to the whole shopping mall was gained by using the main doors, which (37)_____ the shopping 'streets' from the parking (38)_____ exterior. As there was no need to (39)_____ out bad weather condition, shops no longer needed windows and doors, and people could wander (twoscore)_____ from shop to shop. In many cities, shopping malls now (41)_____ much more only shops; cinemas, restaurants and other forms of amusement are also (42)_____ in popularity.

31 A management B aim C search D view
32 A resulted B sought C intended D meant
33 A insisted B demanded C requested D emphasised
34 A favourable B amusing C comfy D enviable
35 A model B imitate C echo D shadow
36 A mensurate B peak C size D calibration
37 A disconnected B withdrew C separated D parted
38 A strips B lines C areas D plots
39 A hold B become C stay D keep
forty A freely B loosely C simply D entirely
41 A contain B business organization C consist D etch
42 A condign B growing C raising D advancing
Job 4
# A B C D

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For friends

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